2025-05-05 8th Grade- End of 4th Quarter 8th Grade- End of 4th Quarter May 5 8th Grade- End of 4th Quarter
2025-05-06 Early Dismissal 11:00am 8th Grade Early Dismissal 11:00am 8th Grade May 6 - May 7 Early Dismissal 11:00am 8th Grade
2025-05-08 Early Dismissal 11:00am 8th Grade Early Dismissal 11:00am 8th Grade May 8 Early Dismissal 11:00am 8th Grade
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm 8th Grade Graduation- 6pm church May 14 @ 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm 8th Grade Graduation- 6pm church
2025-05-18 Mother/Son Pancake Breakfast Mother/Son Pancake Breakfast May 18 Mother/Son Pancake Breakfast
2025-05-19 End of 4th Quarter (3Y-7th) End of 4th Quarter (3Y-7th) May 19 End of 4th Quarter (3Y-7th)
2025-05-20 Early Dismissal- 5th-7th – 11:30 Early Dismissal- 5th-7th – 11:30 May 20 Early Dismissal- 5th-7th – 11:30
2025-05-21 Early Dismissal- 5th-7th – 11:30 Early Dismissal- 5th-7th – 11:30 May 21 - May 22 Early Dismissal- 5th-7th – 11:30
2025-05-21 5th – 7th Grade Final Exams 5th – 7th Grade Final Exams May 21 - May 22 5th – 7th Grade Final Exams
2025-05-23 Dismissal for all Students- 11:00 am Dismissal for all Students- 11:00 am May 23 Dismissal for all Students- 11:00 am
9:30 am - 10:30 am End of the Year, Closing Program May 23 @ 9:30 am - 10:30 am End of the Year, Closing Program Church