
Volunteer Certification
Our Lady of Mercy School welcomes your involvement in school events/activities and appreciates all volunteer efforts during the busy school year. All persons (18 years and older) wanting to volunteer with children in any capacity (including field trip chaperones, classroom volunteers, or any school related activity involving students) must fulfill the following requirements as mandated by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and The Diocese of Baton Rouge.
Please note that all must be completed at least two weeks prior to volunteer activity.
1. Email Child Protection Site Coordinator, Christy Haldane for the following –
– CAPS code
– IdentoGO code
2. CAPS Profile
– Click HERE to create a CAPS profile
– fill out information fields
– Be sure to select OLOM School as your primary institution (NOT church)
3. Complete Serving Vulnerable Populations course
– Certificate of completion is required to obtain volunteer certification
4. Fingerprinting/Background (EXPIRES EVERY FIVE YEARS)
– appointments are required to be made in advance
– contact Christy Haldane for the specific school code
– click HERE to schedule an IdentoGO fingerprint appointment
– background checks are not transferable
Background checks and fingerprinting are by appointment only at authorized locations.
The fee for the federal background check is $39.25 and $10 fingerprinting fee can be paid by money order, debit or credit card. Personal Checks or CASH are not accepted.
5. Code of Ethics (Renewed Annually)
– read and sign Code of Ethics HERE
– return completed form to Christy Haldane (chaldane@olomschool.org)