Support OLOM

Annual Fund
The Annual Fund plays a vital role in sustaining and enhancing our school each year. It allows us to invest in resources and opportunities that elevate our students’ educational experience, whether by improving classroom materials, upgrading campus facilities, enhancing security, or creating innovative learning environments.
As you may know, our original classrooms, built in 1953, are beginning to show their age despite renovations over the years. This year’s Annual Fund goal focuses on continuing the much-needed renovations in the Upper School. Last summer, we completed updates to two 4th-grade classrooms as a pilot project, transforming them into modern, dynamic learning spaces. This initiative demonstrated the potential for revitalizing our campus to better serve today’s learners.
Currently, we have renovated 2 of the 18 classrooms on our list. Over the next two years, we aim to expand this effort with the Annual Fund supporting the renovation of multiple classrooms each summer.
This tradition started in 2012 and is a major source of funds that helps Mercy enhance the everyday experience for our students.
Your gifts help maintain Our Lady of Mercy as a premier Catholic school in terms of its well-rounded students, its faculty, and its academic rigor. The Annual Fund is vital to Mercy as a major source of funding, particularly since its dollars are directed directly to our school. There is no greater investment than money spent on a child’s Catholic education. Your gift to the Annual Fund solidifies the foundation of Catholic education and establishes a legacy that passes on our Catholic faith to the next generation